Game: BlitzBot ID:2810050
STEAMVOTE:0%, 0 Votes
Steamgame image
Datatyp Data
Description BlitzBot is a minimalist and modern arcade game that expands the air hockey genre. Take control of a robot and dive into dynamic and thrilling battles, where the objective is to score more goals than your opponent. Utilize the unique abilities at your disposal to destabilize and take the lead.
Bundled 0
Cards 0
Release Day 2024-04-05
Wilson Score 0
Steam-% 0
Category Family Sharing Full controller support Local Multi-Player Multi-player PvP Remote Play Together Shared/Split Screen Single-player
Genres Indie Sports
UserTags 1980s 1990's 3D Arcade Casual Colorful Hockey Indie Local Multiplayer Minimalist Modern Multiplayer PvP Retro Singleplayer Sports Stylized Tennis Top-Down


Datatyp Data
associations Developer: Revolt
Publisher: Revolt
community_hub_visible 1
controller_support full
controllertagwizard 1
library_assets {"library_capsule":"en","library_hero":"en","library_logo":"en","library_header":"en","logo_position":{"pinned_position":"CenterCenter","width_pct":"100","height_pct":"100"}}
osarch 64
oslist windows
primary_genre 23
releasestate released
small_capsule {"english":"capsule_231x87.jpg"}
steam_release_date 1712329287
store_asset_mtime 1710681885
supported_languages {"english":{"supported":"true"},"french":{"supported":"true"},"italian":{"supported":"true"},"german":{"supported":"true"},"spanish":{"supported":"true"}}
absolutemousecoordinates 0
remoteplaytogethertestingbranches default,beta
changenumber 23149466
root_ufs {"quota":"0","maxnumfiles":"0"}